What happens when Mars gets debilitated (neecha or weak)

couch_potatoMars (Manggal/Kuja) is the graha(planet) of a warrior. It’s characteristics are:
(a) Rationality
(b) Tenacity
(c) Courage
(d) Will power
(e) Ambitious
(f) Anger
(g) will to act
(h) determination
(i) risk takers

Mars gets debilitated or weak when it is in the Rasi of Kataka (Cancer). This will make the person lose all the above qualities.

This simply means, the person has lack of courage, is fearful and uncertain about taking direct action which leading to feelings of insecurity that weaken their sense. These people act in an indirect manner, tends to move cautiously and avoid direct confrontation as much as possible.

Mars placement in cancer can attract some domestic disagreement and the individual can get highly defensive,uncooperative, and manipulative because their mars energy is drained into emotions. Because they have emotional nature due to that they care for others and sacrifice their own wishes for others with time resentment may build up because of this they feel lack in personal fulfillment.

This can cause unexpressed anger due to holding grudges for the long time. There is a tendency for people not in taking appropriate action. They have tendency of passive-aggressive behaviour hence fails to fight back in proper way when required and this causes greater tendency for more conflict and tension. People having Mars debilitated can get easily discouraged by rejection or criticism.The person would be prone to unnecessary tensions and worries and can be lacking in willpower. The person could be Lacking self-confidence and would not be able to defend his rights and his self respect.


Om Tat Sat

Know your Dasa – Mangala (Mars) 7 years

mangal_bhagwanA dasa (daśā) literally means, the ‘condition or state’. Based on a graha’s/planets dignity one may experience certain condition in a particular life time. Pleasant experiences if planet in good position or adverse otherwise. Dasa’s are used to predict events happening in general (vimshottari) or specifics(pratyantar, etc) using the Dasa bhuktis.

click here to get your current ruling dasa.

– Tenacity
– strong willpower
– courageous
– active
– fearless
– quick thinking
– positively affects brothers
– gains landed property
– persistence

– Weak
– coward
– untactful speech and behaviour
– quarrelsome
– argumentative
– hates and greed
– lack of empathy
– lazy
– obese

Om Tat Sat

The essentric Jyeshtha or Kettai (Tamil)

dragonThe 18th asterism that falls in the last segment on the constellation of Scorpio. It has the symbol of umbrella.

Personality: These folks are super creative and their mind is always seeking the extreme. They love the idea of challenge and practices it in their daily life. They can get obsessive with their work and try to out with radical ideas. Albert Einstein was born on this nakshaktra. Always going against authority and protocols. A great character to fight the adversities of life. With Kuja bhagawan (Mars) as their lordship, they are often victorious in any endavours.

Special ability: Fearless!

Lordship: Kuja bhagawan (Mars)

Presiding deity: Lord Indra


Om Tat Sat